Superfoods is a term to describe a family of foods that have benefits for the body and mind . Yerba berries are part of this family, as are goji berries, blueberries or even acai berries.
But what are the benefits of mate for the body and mind?
Mate, a “superfood”
Yerba mate leaves contain a large number of vitamins and amino acids essential for the proper functioning of our body (matein, tannins, iron, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, manganese, magnesium, calcium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B5, C and E).
In addition, we find in this plant a large quantity of polyphenol (about 2 times more than in green tea), a large group of antioxidants , which fight against free radicals, responsible for cellular aging.
Mate boosts your energy and develops mental focus
Yerba mate contains the three stimulating xanthines:
- Mateine or caffeine, which has a physical stimulant effect, is present in smaller quantities than in coffee.
- Theine, which has an effect on the nervous system, is a mental stimulant and helps with concentration.
- Theobromine, also called the happiness molecule, is present in large quantities in cocoa.
The three combined xanthines make it a healthy and complete drink to start the day in the best possible way without the harmful problems of coffee consumed in high doses (tension, anxiety, etc.).
In fact, the tannins present in large numbers in yerba mate leaves allow for a slower absorption of the molecules, thus allowing the body to gently get used to the caffeine.
Also, tannins have the particularity of prolonging the effect of xanthines (around 4 to 5 hours compared to 1 to 2 hours with coffee).
Improved concentration, physical stimulation and good mood, what else?

Yerba mate harvest in agroforestry
Mate improves physical performance and helps with weight loss
Yerba mate is also known to improve muscle recovery and athletic performance .
A study has proven that drinking mate before a workout can help burn 24% more fat during moderate-intensity exercise.
These effects on the body are very interesting and can be easily integrated into a suitable sports diet . At the end of the session, yerba allows for greater muscle recovery and reduces the appearance of cramps.
This is why many athletes such as Griezmann, Messi or even Di Maria consume a gourd before and after training.
One of the additional effects of this infusion is weight control . After consuming organic mate, a feeling of satiety is felt, it is ideal when you want to avoid small deviations!
Combined with a slimming diet, yerba can help you lose weight.
Be careful though, mate is not a diet solution on its own. It must complement a diet, requires regular physical activity, a healthy diet and the monitoring of a dietician.

Mate, the sportsmen’s infusion