A study blames nylon or PET (petroleum-based plastic) tea bags for releasing billions of plastic microparticles during infusion.
How can these plastic microparticles impact our health? Are there alternatives to tea bags containing plastic ?
The study
On September 25, 2019, a Canadian study was published with the aim of raising awareness among tea and herbal tea consumers.
When a nylon or PET bag is infused, ACS Environmental Science & Technology reveals that billions of microparticles and nanoparticles are released.
In fact, the researchers analyzed four bags of different brands of tea. Simply steeping a single plastic tea bag at brewing temperature (95 °C) releases approximately 11.6 billion microplastics and 3.1 billion nanoplastics into a single cup of tea. All of this is of course invisible to the naked eye.
Also, the higher the temperature, the more plastic the bag releases.
Infused with room temperature water, it releases 300 times fewer plastic particles.

Release of microplastics and nanoplastics in water at 95°C
Yes, it is quite shocking to know that we are absorbing billions of plastic particles without seeing or knowing it, while being the “norm” among bag producers.
At the moment, it is not yet possible to know the impact and consequences of plastic particles on the human body. The WHO (World Health Organization) has also requested that in-depth studies be carried out.
Pending the results, the authors of the Canadian study recommend avoiding the consumption of plastic tea bags (nylon or PET), in order to avoid any health risks.
What are the alternatives to plastic bags?
As we have seen previously, certain types of bags release toxic particles.
We have created a description of each type of bag to help you choose when you next buy an infusion!
The paper tea bag
This is the oldest type of bag. Its price being very low, it allowed the great popularization of tea and infusion in bags.
Its aroma preservation is correct, but its infusion is less so. Indeed, the diffusion of aromas is altered by the paper , creating an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.
Be careful with this type of bag, most are bleached with chlorine .
Our recommendation: Avoid .

Paper tea bag
The nylon tea bag
To get around the disadvantages of the aroma of the paper bag, a large number of producers and packagers have launched into the nylon bag, diffusing the aromas of the infusion much more effectively thanks to better circulation of the water .
Please note, as seen above, these bags release a large quantity of plastic particles.
Our recommendation: Avoid .

Nylon tea bag
The muslin tea bag
Several types of muslin exist today, such as cotton, nylon, or more rarely, silk muslin bags.
Muslin has many advantages such as good preservation and diffusion of aromas . The muslin bag is more durable than the paper bag.
However, we advise you to pay close attention to the type of muslin when shopping. Most are not compostable, be sure to check the material of the muslin . If the material is not listed, it is probably nylon.
Our recommendation: Check the material of the muslin .

Muslin tea bags
Cornstarch tea and mate bag
These innovative sachets are 100% natural.
The production is from plant material and its use is much safer: No plastic, no staples or microparticles. Finally!
Resistant, durable and perfectly diffusing aromas , we have therefore chosen this solution for our production of mate in sachets .
Our recommendation: To be preferred.

Cornstarch Mate Tea Bag
Loose tea and mate infusion
A final, very relevant alternative to tea bags is of course loose tea !
Whether in a tea ball, teapot, coffee maker or mate gourd, there are a multitude of infusion methods to fully enjoy a tea or mate.
We recommend our 80g format , ideal for discovering mate in a small format, and why not taste several types of mate!