Coffee is a drink that is deeply rooted in our habits; more than 5kg of coffee are consumed on average each year by the French.
A true vector of social connection, just like mate, coffee is nevertheless losing more and more followers today.
But then what are the reasons to reduce your coffee consumption? Why is alternating coffee and mate ideal for the body? What are the benefits of reducing your coffee consumption?
Coffee, your bad ally in everyday life

A mate or a coffee?
Its speed of absorption
Coffee is a powerful stimulant.
Each person is more or less sensitive to the molecule. Indeed, caffeine is very quickly synthesized by the body , which can cause tremors, nervousness or even tachycardia.
Conversely, the caffeine in yerba mate is assimilated more slowly by the body, allowing it to gradually get used to the molecule and thus not risk the unpleasant effects of coffee .
In fact, the large amount of tannins present in mate helps to reduce and slow down the effect of caffeine on the body. They are only slightly present in coffee.
Its speed of dilution
In addition to its rapid absorption, the stimulating effects of coffee wear off very quickly . These can disappear after just 2 hours, leading to a desire to consume another cup of coffee.
This creates a vicious circle: the more coffee is consumed, the more the body gets used to the caffeine, and the more coffee it will take to reach the same level of energy.
Of course, the more coffee you consume, the greater the harmful effects.
Once again, yerba mate has a head start. Since the caffeine in yerba mate is absorbed more slowly, the energizing effects last longer than coffee . Drinking yerba mate helps fight fatigue throughout the day (between 7am and 9am).
Why alternate between coffee and mate?

A thermos for coffee or mate
We were all immersed in coffee before discovering mate. For some, coffee was a drink appreciated less for its taste, but rather for its effects. For others, on the contrary, for its flavor.
When you want to change your consumption habits, as with everything, it is better not to get frustrated, especially if you appreciate the good taste of coffee. In fact, it is rather a question of gradually reducing your consumption and the best thing is to have a substitute: mate .
But then why alternate between coffee and mate?
There are several reasons for this:
- First, to break the habit created by repeatedly taking the same substance. After a few days without coffee, you will feel its effects from the first cup!
- Second, if you are one of those people who enjoy the taste of coffee, reducing your consumption will automatically direct you towards higher quality coffees such as coffees from artisan roasters!
In the same way, by alternating the two drinks, you can also enjoy the great mate varieties in our yerba mate selection !
Discovering mate should not be seen as a choice or as abandoning one's habits, but rather as something new to integrate into one's daily routine !
Coffee vs. Mate: Comparing the Drinks

The differences between coffee and mate
As we have seen throughout this article, mate and coffee are similar in some ways and different in others. In many ways, we could even define yerba mate as a coffee 2.0 - the advantages without the disadvantages.
More and more coffee lovers are asking us questions about mate in a desire to reduce their coffee consumption. Will I like the taste of mate? Will I have the same energy? How to infuse the plant? That's why we decided to write this article.
For coffee lovers who appreciate its flavor above all, but for whom the drawbacks have become too restrictive, we particularly recommend our roasted mate .
This mate has the particularity, like coffee or cocoa, of having undergone a roasting stage, giving it a taste texture close to that of coffee, while keeping a flavor specific to the South American drink. It contains notes of chocolate, caramel and coffee, ideal for inducing a smooth coffee/mate transition .
You will have understood, each thing is good in its measure.
To avoid the risk of complications from excessive coffee consumption, be sure to alternate with a substitute, mate is one of them and is now the best alternative !