The international fame of mate is no accident. Its unique ability to revitalize the body and mind without the side effects commonly associated with other stimulants has captivated the interest of researchers, nutritionists, and consumers around the world.
But what makes this drink such a top choice for those looking for long-lasting energy?
How does the energy of mate diffuse into our body?
Why is the energy provided by mate so interesting?
Matéine: A unique stimulant
Many energy drinks popular on the market today rely on caffeine as their primary source of energy. This substance, naturally present in coffee, tea and some sodas, is known for its stimulating properties that awaken the mind and body.
However, mate stands out from the rest. Instead of relying primarily on caffeine as an energy source, mate gets its power from mateine .

Mate and Coffee
Chemically, mateine shares many similarities with caffeine, which can lead to confusion between the two. But where mateine really stands out is in the way it works in our bodies. Unlike caffeine, which often gives us an immediate feeling of energy boost followed by a "crash" or energy dip a few hours later, mateine works differently. It offers a more spread-out release of energy over time .
This linear mechanism of action of mateine results in a gradual increase in energy . Instead of feeling sudden spikes of excitement—a common occurrence after consuming highly caffeinated beverages—followed by abrupt fatigue, those who drink mate experience a gentle rise in vitality.
This harmonious progression of energy avoids unpleasantness such as palpitations, nervousness or insomnia, often associated with excessive coffee consumption. Thus, mate offers a healthy and balanced alternative for those looking for a stimulant, without the unwanted side effects of too much caffeine.
A balance of beneficial compounds
When we talk about mate, it is easy to focus on mateine, this unique alkaloid that characterizes it so well. However, to stop at this single component would be to minimize the incredible richness that this drink has to offer. Indeed, mateine, as stimulating as it is, is only the visible tip of a much larger nutritional iceberg.
Mate is packed with essential nutrients that make it one of the healthiest beverages . For starters, it’s rich in vitamins , which are crucial for many of our body’s functions. For example, the vitamin C it contains helps maintain healthy skin, boosts the immune system, and aids in wound healing. B vitamins, meanwhile—B1, B2, B3, and B5 to be precise—play a key role in converting food into energy, maintaining healthy skin, protecting the eyes, and producing red blood cells.

Young mate shoots
At the same time, yerba mate is a valuable source of essential minerals . Magnesium, for example, is essential for healthy bones and proper muscle function. Manganese, meanwhile, is crucial for bone formation and protecting cells from damage. Zinc plays a role in the immune response, protein production, and DNA creation, while phosphorus is vital for bone and tooth formation.
But that's not all. Mate also contains an impressive amount of antioxidants, molecules that fight free radicals and protect our bodies from oxidative damage. Finally, let's not forget amino acids, the building blocks of proteins, which are involved in almost every biological process, from muscle repair to mood regulation.
So, beyond the simple stimulation it provides, mate offers a complex set of nutrients that work together to improve the health and well-being of those who consume it regularly.
Synergistic effects
The interaction of compounds found in mate appears to have a synergistic effect. Antioxidants fight free radicals, protecting the body from oxidative damage, while vitamins and minerals support a multitude of bodily functions, from energy production to protein synthesis.

A mate in our wooden gourd
Mate and the mind
With changing lifestyles, the demand for natural energy options is only increasing. Mate is a perfect fit for this demand. Its positive impact on mental and physical energy positions it as a preferable alternative to artificial energy drinks.
In a world where fatigue and stress are omnipresent, this age-old drink could well be the answer to our quest for healthy energy. It doesn't just stimulate us: it nourishes us, protects us and balances our mind. A wonder that we owe to the richness of the South American land.