There are several points of comparison on which you can favor mate over matcha or vice versa. To be clear, matcha tea and mate are two plants beneficial for our health , our body, and our mind.
So we will compare the key differences, especially on the amino acids and other components that these two infusions have to offer us.
But then what are the differences between mate and matcha? What do mate and matcha taste like? What are the benefits of mate?
The origins of infusions beneficial for the body and mind
The origins of matcha date back to medieval China. For convenience, the tea was packaged in dry bricks .
When this brick was broken in order to measure the infusion, the powder that fell into the bowl was mixed with hot water using a bamboo utensil in order to completely dissolve this powder. With time and the growing affluence of Buddhism, the infusion gradually spread and became sacred.
Matcha comes from the tea plant family (Camellia sinensis), the green tea leaves are pulverized into a very fine powder . The preparation is quite simple, just add a little hot water to the matcha powder and mix the preparation vigorously with a bamboo brush in the shape of an "M".

Matcha preparation
The mate tree comes from the holly family (Illex Paraguariensis). It has been consumed for thousands of years as a divine and energizing infusion by the Guarani people. We invite you, as with any type of tea, to favor an organic matcha or an organic mate .
Indeed, organic yerba mate protects you from the many chemicals present in the leaves of common crops. You can buy this mate directly from our online store.
The drink was popularized by the Spanish, maintaining the traditional method of preparation, enjoyed using a calabash (mate gourd) and a bombilla (mate straw).
Across these geographical differences, the two plants are similar in their unique preparation method, their presence of caffeine, antioxidants, and their physical and cerebral energizing effect .
Despite these similarities, the two infusions still present many differences in terms of both the virtues and the flavor of matcha tea and mate tea.
The strong points of mate

A mate gourd
Yerba mate is a great plant. It contains theobromine as well as theophylline. These two amino acids combined have the particularity of bringing a feeling of calm and joy unlike caffeine which will rather cause a feeling of nervousness and aggressiveness.
Compared to matcha, one of the benefits of mate is its superior energy capacity. Mate leaves are very low in calories, provide a feeling of satiety and aid digestion. Also, we highly recommend mate for those who want to avoid snacking between meals !
Bonjour j’ai mélangé 3 cuillères à soupe de thé maté et 2 cuillères à soupe de matcha .dans une théière pendant 7mn.pour enlever l’amertume j’ai infusé avec 4 rondelles fines de citron .C’est excellent. Je bois une théière dans la journée, tous les jours sans sucre.1 le matin à jeun, 1 après manger, 1 à 16h et la dernière à 18h. J’aurais voulu avoir un avis pour savoir si c’est pas de trop par jour.Cela fait plus de 3 mois que je le fait accompagner de mes repas diététique.
Cordialement. Bonne journée.