Mate, as a new drink, is still poorly understood.
On the one hand, we sometimes read that 50g of mate is equivalent to 500 cigarettes, or even that the drink presents cancer risks.
On the other hand, we read that yerba mate has multiple health benefits .
But then, what are the health dangers of mate?
The Dangers of Yerba Mate
The South American drink is a drink with a certain caffeine content. It is also the 3rd most consumed caffeinated drink in the world .
Caffeine has a stimulating effect on the brain. It improves the ability to perform endurance physical tasks, as well as cognitive tasks. Caffeine is often said to “wake you up,” due to its exciting effects .
Obviously, excessive caffeine consumption can cause unpleasant symptoms such as:
- Headaches
- Tremors
- Sleep disorders
- Anxiety
- Acceleration and irregularity of heartbeat
Excess of the substance can pose several dangers to humans, both in the short and long term.
So of course, mate is no exception to the rule of dangers concerning caffeine . Its presence is more or less strong, depending on the mate farming .
We advise you not to exceed a quantity of 50g of mate per day .
Also depending on its cultivation, the mate will be dried after its harvest with or without smoke.
During the smoke drying process, the mate will come into contact with dangerous molecules called polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). These molecules are released when wood is burned and pose health risks.
Fortunately, we have selected a mate that has undergone smokeless drying, a longer and more expensive process , but which has a considerable impact on the quality of the yerba and its taste when it is infused.
Drying mate without smoke is :
- 130°C for 3 hours
- By conduction using hot air blown into metal tubes
- Safe for health

Smokeless mate drying
The consumption temperature
Drinking mate that is too hot increases the risk of mouth and esophageal cancer... like all hot drinks!
The infusion temperature is an important factor in the preparation of mate, we recommend a temperature between 70 and 80° .
So be careful to wait a few minutes before pouring the infusion into a mate gourd or a teacup so as not to burn the leaves , as well as before consuming the mate.
Yerba mate and its benefits
As you will have understood, yerba mate, Antoine Griezmann's favorite drink, has exclusively benefits. Risky consumption lies, as with everything, in excess .
Better still, the association naturally present in mate leaves between theobromine and caffeine makes this plant the perfect compromise between tea and coffee. Here are some benefits of mate :
- Stimulating power thanks to caffeine.
- The many active ingredients such as matein, tannins, iron and a large number of vitamins.
- Twice as many antioxidants as green tea.
- No negative effects related to caffeine like tremors, nervousness etc.
Drinking the hot beverage from South America offers unique effects and is now open to the greatest number of people, especially with the increasingly high-quality offer of yerba mate, which breaks all preconceived ideas about the flavor of mate and its bitterness .
Athletes, workers and active people, mate helps you to thrive during your intense days, and to recover the energy necessary for the following ones.
The various possibilities of consuming mate, in bags , in mate gourds or in tea balls, allow everyone to integrate this plant into their routine .

Consumption with mate cup